Rapids Ripples
rotary club of wisconsin rapids
Organized June 17, 1919
Rotary District 6250   •    club 2723
June 19, 2023          volume 104  •   issue 31
FOCUS Neighborhood Meals - Looking for around 15 volunteers!!
Our Noon Rotary Club will be volunteering on Thursday, June 22nd, from 4pm to 6pm. We already have 9 volunteers and need at least 6 more (Rotarians, spouses, etc.) to have a great time together while helping serve others.
Please register through the email that was sent out or simply let John Steele know if you can commit and the number of people you will be bringing to serve. 
The address is: 2321 West Grand Avenue - Wisconsin Rapids.
Thank you!!  laugh
Raffle Ticket Stubs & $ Due
ALL raffle ticket stubs and money need to be turned in either at this Monday's meeting or at the United Way Office, 351 Oak St (M-Thur 8:30-4; F 8:30 - Noon) no later than noon on Friday June 30th.
If you wish to sell a few more tickets or buy some for yourself you can still pick up tickets at Monday's meeting but need to turn in stubs and money no later than noon June 30th.
June Birthdays / Club Anniversaries
Happy Birthday Rotarians:
Jim Shewchuk - June 5th
Leon Schmidt - June 6th
Dan Guck - June 21st
Rob McGrath - June 27th
Matt Ironside - June 28th
(If you do not see your name/birthday listed on our monthly birthday recognition, please email your birthday to President Elect Ron Rasmussen at: ronald.rasmussen@wrps.net)
Happy Club Anniversary Rotarians:
Richard Kenney - June 1, 1989 (34 years)
Loretta Schoechert - June 1, 1992 (31 years)
Tammi Jepson - June 21, 2004 (19 years)
Meeting ID: 839 8618 4069
Passcode: 202324
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Upcoming Programs
Jun 19, 2023
Rotary Youth Exchange for 2023
Jun 26, 2023
Outgoing President's Address
Jul 03, 2023
July 4th Holiday
Jul 10, 2023
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Focus Neighborhood Meals
Jun 22, 2023
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
View entire list
Club Officers
President Elect
President Elect Nominee
Immediate Past President
Club Administration Chair
Membership Chair
Public Relations Chair
Service Projects Chair
International Foundation Chair
Club Foundation Chair
Youth Exchange Officer
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
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Major Donors
L4:  Mead Witter Foundation; L3: Chuck Gibbons Jr; L1: John Steele
Paul Harris Fellows
John B. Steele +8, James Boyd, Philip M. Brown +4Guy-Robert Detlefsen Jr, Jerry Feith, Susan A. Feith +1, Chuck Gibbons +8, Daniel M. Guck +1, Amy L. Gust, Kenneth M. Hill +2Matthew D. Ironside +1, Tari Jahns +1Tamera Jepson +4, Richard J. Kenney +5Robin M. Koeshall +1, Amy D. Kolo-Elmhorst +2Tim Young, Robert E. McGrath +1, Warren G. Miller +2, Ahmad H. Musallam +3, Bruce W. Rokke +2, Leon S. Schmidt, Jr +1, Loretta K. Schoechert +2, James E. Shewchuk, John T. Siewert Jr +1, John T. Siewert Sr +1, Susan A. Sippel +3, Ron Rasmussen
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7