At Monday's meeting we will be conducting our "Annual Meeting" required to elect officers for the Rotary Year beginning on July 1, 2023. Our nominating committee has provided a full slate of candidates and we need your vote!!
Please consider helping, our local Foundation, raise money to help do good in our community and in the world. This past year we donated to numerous good causes in the Rapids area including United Way, our Special Needs Boy Scout Troop, Rotary Ramps, Neighborhood Table, WRCT Summer Youth Theatre, as well as youth scholarships both for our local students plus a student in India and one in Tanzania, plus more!
We are asking each of our members to consider making an annual gift to our local Foundation. We have two goals:
• Raise a minimum of $7500;
• Have 100% of our Club's Rotarians contribute.
To make this happen, our suggested contribution is $275 per Rotarian, but we just ask that you give as you can -- either more or less. No gift is too small. No gift is too large. Help us help others!
Bring your contribution to the meeting this week, or snail-mail it this month to: 941 Huntington Ave #157, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494.
L4:Mead Witter Foundation; L3: Chuck Gibbons Jr; L1: John Steele
Paul Harris Fellows
John B. Steele +8, Traci Biolo, James Boyd, Philip M. Brown +4, Guy-Robert Detlefsen Jr, Jerry Feith, Susan A. Feith+1, Chuck Gibbons +8, Daniel M. Guck +1, Amy L. Gust, Kenneth M. Hill+2, Matthew D. Ironside +1, Tari Jahns+1, Tamera Jepson +3, Richard J. Kenney +4, Robin M. Koeshall, Amy D. Kolo-Elmhorst +2, Tim Young, Robert E. McGrath+1, Warren G. Miller+2, Ahmad H. Musallam +3, Bruce W. Rokke +2,Leon S. Schmidt, Jr. +1,Loretta K. Schoechert+2, James E. Shewchuk, John T. Siewert Jr +1, John T. Siewert Sr +1, Susan A. Sippel+3, Michael H. Zurfluh