Rapids Ripples
rotary club of wisconsin rapids
Organized June 17, 1919
Rotary District 6250   •    club 2723
April 17, 2023          volume 104  •   issue 25
Ukraine Aid. Community (UA.C)
"Club meetings bring fellowship, friendship, and great programs. Our program on Monday, April 3rd, brought us personal perspectives and accounts of Russia's War against Ukraine from Kirill and Valeriia, friends from opposing nations with similar views of the ongoing war. A moving and passionate account of the dramatic effects on the people's of Ukraine, Russia and in turn the world. In reflecting on their stories and personal connections to their countries we are offered a moment to appreciate just how blessed and fortunate we are. We are reminded of our opportunities to appreciate these fortunes and give back to our community and the world as Rotarians. We will continue to take these opportunities and Do More Good." - Matt Ironside (Chair of Noon Rotary Public Image)
Kirill Ilin and Valeriia Hesse are affiliated with Ukraine Aid. Community (UA.C). UA.C is a non-profit founded by a group of like-minded Ukrainian, Russian, and US researchers, entrepreneurs, and academics for whom Ukraine's fight for freedom hits close to home: family, friends, ancestry, language, and more. Across the board, UA.C's founders see it as their personal and moral duty to do what they can to help Ukraine and its people.

To that end, UA.C collects donations from the public to provide Ukraine with what it needs most, such as humanitarian aid, protective gear, and more. We do this through our end-to-end logistics network that relies on Points of Contact in Ukraine and Poland. From Ukrainian government representatives and to local volunteers, these Points of Contact inform us of what exact supplies are most urgently needed.

Click here to see and donate to their current fundraising initiative: https://ua-c.org

APRIL CLUB SERVICE EVENT - Used Eyeglasses & Empty Prescription Bottles Collection!!
We are partnering with the Lions Club to collect used eyeglasses and empty prescription bottles which the Lions Club distributes worldwide. Any prescription glasses are appreciated. On the prescription bottles (amber plastic bottles usually with white caps) please remove the label if possible before bringing. We will be collecting these at our noon meetings through May 1, 2023. 
WELCOME Youth Rotars
Gaoly Thao - LHS
Dalton Peterson - LHS
Marinah Russell - LHS
Ryan Shaw - AHS
April Birthdays / Club Anniversaries
Happy Birthday Rotarian:
Craig Broeren - April 3
Sue Sippel - April 6
Loretta Schoechert - April 10
(If you do not see your name/birthday listed on our monthly birthday recognition, please email your birthday to Tim at: cdwrct@solarus.net)
Happy Club Anniversary Rotarian:
Chuck Gibbons - April 1, 1984 (39 years)
Michael Zurfluh - April 21, 1997 (26 years)
Chris Severson - April 19, 2021 (2 years)
Lunch Menu
04/17 - Curry Chicken Salad Sandwich w/Chips (new menu item!!)
04/24 - Hot Ham and Cheese w/Chips
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 868 2293 1293
Passcode: 927989

Dial in:  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Upcoming Programs
Apr 17, 2023
Blue Grass at the Lake
Apr 24, 2023
Handwashing, Health and Hygiene in Orestiada Greece
May 01, 2023
The Hmong in Wisconsin Rapids
May 08, 2023
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Eyeglass and Medicine Bottle Collection
Noon Rotary Club Meetings
Apr 01, 2023 – May 01, 2023
View entire list
Club Officers
President Elect
President Elect Nominee
Immediate Past President
Club Administration Chair
Membership Chair
Public Relations Chair
Service Projects Chair
International Foundation Chair
Club Foundation Chair
Youth Exchange Officer
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
Advertisement for Russell Hampton
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Major Donors
L4:  Mead Witter Foundation; L3: Chuck Gibbons Jr; L1: John Steele
Paul Harris Fellows
John B. Steele +8, Traci Biolo, James Boyd, Philip M. Brown +4Guy-Robert Detlefsen Jr, Jerry Feith, Susan A. Feith +1, Chuck Gibbons +8, Daniel M. Guck +1, Amy L. Gust, Kenneth M. Hill +2Matthew D. Ironside +1, Tari Jahns +1Tamera Jepson +3, Richard J. Kenney +4Robin M. Koeshall, Amy D. Kolo-Elmhorst +2Tim Young, Robert E. McGrath +1, Warren G. Miller +2, Ahmad H. Musallam +3, Bruce W. Rokke +2, Leon S. Schmidt, Jr. +1, Loretta K. Schoechert +2, James E. Shewchuk, John T. Siewert Jr +1, John T. Siewert Sr +1, Susan A. Sippel +3, Michael H. Zurfluh
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7